As Many As 3.37 Lakh People in DK Have Linked Their Aadhaar Card With Voter ID: Have You?

As Many As 3.37 Lakh People in DK Have Linked Their Aadhaar Card With Voter ID: Have You?

Booth-level officers are visiting houses across Dakshina Kannada to collect the Aadhaar numbers and complete the process of linking in order to help people link their voter identity card with Aadhaar card.

Additional Deputy Commissioner H.K. Krishnamurthy said so far 3.37 lakh people in the district have linked Aadhaar card with the voter identity cards after the process of linking started on August 1. Linking of Aadhaar card with the voter ID is voluntary. It can be done online by sending Form 6B (Letter of Information of Aadhaar number for the purpose of electoral roll authentication) from the website of National Voters’ Service Portal (

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