The Rotary Amruth Human Milk Bank at Government Lady Goschen Hospital Receiving Good Response

The Rotary Amruth Human Milk Bank at Government Lady Goschen Hospital Receiving Good Response

The Rotary Amruth Human Milk Bank which was set up at the Government Lady Goschen Hospital last year is getting good response as more than 250 mothers, on average, are donating breast milk every month.

Dr Durgaprasad MR medical superintendent of Government Lady Goschen Hospital said that at times, there were more than 400 donor mothers in a month. The highest number of donors was recorded in September 2022, with 516 mothers donating the milk.

A team including a health educator, lactation counsellor, paediatrician and staff nurse interact with the mother before taking her consent for donation. This facility is helping preterm babies from getting discharged early from the NICU and the chances of infection have reduced.

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