Smart City Mangalore to have Smart roads!

Smart City Mangalore to have Smart roads!

Mangalore Smart City Limited has approved to develop interior roads at eight wards. The MSCL will now develop concrete roads along with construction of footpaths, ducts, medians & also beautify the stretches by planting saplings.

MSCL has reserved Rs 83.45c crores to implement the Smart city mission. This includes developing the roads at Central market, Mangaladevi, Hoigebazar & Bolar wards.

The roads which have been concretised by the MCC do not have footpaths & proper drainage due to which people are facing difficulties. These works have now been considered by Smart City projects.

It is known that tenders have been invited for the same and work will be begin as soon the process is completed. MSCL has kept a deadline of 12 month for completing these packages. MSCL has  reserved Rs 10.2 crore for developing the Kadri  park & rs 8.5 crore to install water meters fro all domestic connections.

Several roads in ABD wards(Area based development) will soon be converted into smart roadsat an estimated cost of Rs 300 crore under Smart city mission. New central market will also be constructed along with multi level car parking.


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