Apartments Must Segregate Waste Scientifically Or Pay Fine: Ten Apartments Fined In Mangalore

Apartments Must Segregate Waste Scientifically Or Pay Fine: Ten Apartments Fined In Mangalore

February 21: A total fine of Rs 1.45 lakh was slapped on the ten apartments in Mangalore who failed to segregate waste scientifically.
So far, 1,948 notices have been served to apartments, hotels, restaurants, marriage halls, catering services, chicken stalls, apartment associations, small industries, hostels, educational institutions and other bulk waste generators in the city limits that failed in implementing SWM rules 2016 during the third inspection.
Hotels and other bulk waste generators after segregating waste should hand over the dry waste to authorised recycling agencies. The officials from the health department will conduct surprise visits to bulk waste generators and inspect whether the SWM rules 2016 had been implemented, he added.
MCC slapped a fine on Coral Apartment in Yemmekere, HH Diamond city near M R Bhat Lane, Zuleas Masterpiece, Marnamikatte, Pearl Apartment in Pandeshwara, Mourishka Apartment near PVS circle, Dynasty apartment in Valencia, Hi-Streak apartment near Kaikamba market, Plama Icon near Kaikamba market, Shalom apartment in Maria Nagara and Royal park in Valencia.

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