BJP is in power both in Centre and State: Will Tulu language gets its Status now?
BJP is in power both in Centre and State: Will Tulu language gets its Status now?
August 4: One of the oldest Dravidian language TULU is still struggling to get its recognition. While almost all core Dravidian languages have got it, TULU is left behind.
Karnataka CM had promised to get TULU into official status i.e., 8th schedule of the country in 2009 but failed to do it before the government’s term was over. Now once again in 2019 the govt has come up and TULUVAS are hoping it to happen soon. Also hoping it to be an official language along with Kannada.
As Tulunad has almost all MLA’s from BJP except ullal Constituency, people are expecting to get TULU into 8th schedule. This is one major cry of Mangaloreans along with Yettinhole’s stoppage. They hope to get the status for their mother tongue.