Children Interested in Stamp Collection: Here is an Opportunity to Win Cash Prize
Children Interested in Stamp Collection: Here is an Opportunity to Win Cash Prize
August 10: Department of Posts will organise a stamp designing competition on child rights, on the occasion of Children’s Day 2019, for the students from Classes 1 to 12.
The design should be created by students on their own. The first, second and third prizes will be of Rs 50,000, Rs 25,000 ad Rs 10,000 respectively. Along with this, there will be five consolation prizes of Rs 5,000 each.
Entries should be sent in an A4 sized envelope through speed post to “The Assistant Director General (Philately), Room No 108, Dak Bhavan, Parliament Road, New Delhi 110001,” before September 20. The envelope should be superscribed as ‘Children’s Day 2019 – Stamp Design Competition’.