Completion of Four Lane Road Between Kadiyali & Parkala To Be Completed By May 2021: MLA Bhat

Completion of Four Lane Road Between Kadiyali & Parkala To Be Completed By May 2021: MLA Bhat

November 13: MLA K Raghupati Bhat said that due to the efforts of MP Shobha Karandlaje, grant of Rs 99.86 crore was sanctioned to develop the road between Kadiyali and Parkala into a four-lane road.
The tender process was completed and work began in December 2018 but during the final stage of the completion of the development work, COVID19-related lockdown was reinforced and all processes came to a pause.  As the land acquisition process near Parkala town has been delayed which has halted the road work.
MLA Raghupathi BHat mentioned that all the processes will be completed in a speedy manner and works will be completed by May 2021.

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