Domestic Passenger Footfall Increases at Mangalore Airport: International Passenger Movement Remains Same

Domestic Passenger Footfall Increases at Mangalore Airport: International Passenger Movement Remains Same

The domestic passenger footfall at Mangalore International Airport (MIA) is witnessing an upward trend since August. Last month, 98,887 domestic passengers flew from MIA as against 90,228 and 87,441 passengers in July and June, respectively.

Meanwhile, international passenger movement has remained steady. A total of 51,054 international passenger footfalls were recorded in August, which is about 2,000 passengers lower than July. The increase in international passenger footfall in July was due to annual holidays for schools in the Gulf countries. In the last two months, except for Bengaluru and Mumbai sectors, the response to rest of the sectors was dull.

A frequent flyer observed that the domestic passenger load would increase if some sectors saw a reduction in airfare.

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