Fisherwomen complain against the high-tech fish market in Udupi: Click to know why
Fisherwomen complain against the high-tech fish market in Udupi: Click to know why
August 4: The ‘hi-tech’ fish market located in the heart of the city near Poorna Prajna College was built at a cost of Rs 2.60 crore by the Karnataka State Coastal Development Authority (KSCDA). The market can accommodate 180 stalls.
Fisherwomen lamented that the structure was built ‘unscientifically’ and failed to meet their needs. It does not have full-fledged toilets. Fresh Fish Selling Women’s Association President Baby Salian said that the maintenance of the market was being done by fisherwomen themselves. She said that those involved in the construction of the building were unaware that women, unlike men, cannot use toilets without doors.
Another fisherwoman Savitri complained that women draw water from a nearby well and clean the market. She also mentioned that there is no facility to even dispose of sanitary pads and the wastewater stagnates in the narrow channel spreading many diseases.