Health Department Initiates to Distribute Medicine Kits to Covid Patients in Home Isolation in DK District

Health Department Initiates to Distribute Medicine Kits to Covid Patients in Home Isolation in DK District

The Health Department has initiated measures to distribute medicine kits to Covid-19 patients who are in home isolation in Dakshina Kannada district. 80% Covid patients in the district are in home isolation having mild symptoms and the health Department will be distributing medicine kits for them through ASHA  and Anganavadi workers.

The Health Department has decided to distribute as many as 5,000 kits. Each kit will have ten 3-layered masks,  sanitizer bottle, cough syrup, paracetemol tablet, cold tablet, Vitamin C Tablet and also a handout explaining how the medicines need to be taken. The medicines in the kits are sufficient for five days.

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