Mangalore Police Along With NHAI is Working to Reduce Size of Traffic at Nantoor Junction

Mangalore Police Along With NHAI is Working to Reduce Size of Traffic at Nantoor Junction

Mangalore city police is working with the National Highways Authority of India in reducing the size of the traffic yield to smooth traffic flow at the busy Nantoor junction. Heavy vehicles, especially those coming from Pumpwell junction and Bikarnakatte, are taking more time to go around the yield and move towards KPT junction. This is resulting in slow movement of traffic and the new vehicle actuated traffic signals installed at the junction have not been of much use.

Managing traffic at this junction has been a challenge for the city traffic police. The traffic police had installed signal lights but it did not help in smoothening the traffic flow, the signal lights were switched off nearly a decade ago and police came back to manual regulation of traffic. Services of Home Guards and traffic wardens were also being used. Recently, new vehicle actuated signal lights were installed by Mangalore Smart City Limited. The police tried with different timings for the last few days and the suggestion was made to the NHAI to reduce the size of the traffic yield.

The traffic police has studied about movement of heavy vehicles on this stretch. They planned to regulate heavy vehicles movement. These vehicles will be barred from moving on this stretch in the morning peak hours. With completion of the work on the yield and regulation of movement of heavy vehicles, the city police hopes to efficiently manage traffic movement at this junction.

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