New Kadri Market Building to be Completed Soon: Mayor Premananda Shetty Instructs MCC Officials
New Kadri Market Building to be Completed Soon: Mayor Premananda Shetty Instructs MCC Officials
Mangalore city Mayor Premananda Shetty has instructed the officials of Mangalore City Corporation (MCC) to ensure that the new Kadri market building which is under construction should be completed at the earliest and put into use by end of February 2022. During a meeting which was held to review the progress of three market building projects the Mayor said that the new Kankanady market building has been partially completed and pending works should be completed by December end. The traders shifted from the old building and temporarily housed in Kankanady could be accommodated in the partially completed structure. The officials were also instructed to open the link road to the market building at the earliest and shift the traders there.
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