One Week Quarantine Made Mandatory For Foreign Returnees Arriving at Udupi District: DC Kurma Rao

One Week Quarantine Made Mandatory For Foreign Returnees Arriving at Udupi District: DC Kurma Rao

Udupi Deputy Commissioner Kurma Rao has issued an order which stated that all those who are arriving from overseas countries should be under quarantine for one-week even though their RT-PCR report is negative. Once the quarantine is over, re-testing will be done.

The DC also mentioned that negative RT-PCR reports is mandatory for people entering the district from Kerala. He said the community leaders must convince those who are hesitant to take vaccinations. He also mentioned that the Manipal University where students from other states and nations arrive has been asked to undertake screening of students. Chief of Manipal University has asked to provide full support to district administration.

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