Over 4,000 Pending Cases to be Taken Up For Resolution in Dakshina Kannada on June 25: Check Out

Over 4,000 Pending Cases to be Taken Up For Resolution in Dakshina Kannada on June 25: Check Out

Dakshina Kannada Principal District and Sessions Judge and Chairman of Dakshina Kannada District Legal Services Authority, Ravindra M Joshi said that over 4,000 pending criminal and civil cases will be taken up for resolution at the Courts in Dakshina Kannada during the National Lok Adalat on June 25. More cases are expected to be added to the list, he added. Lok Adalat was being held once every two months where more cases are taken up for resolution. Apart from pending criminal and civil cases, pre-litigation suits by financial firms and other persons are taken up during the Lok Adalat.

Talking to reporters, Mr. Joshi said that as many as 52,238 civil and criminal cases are pending in courts in the district. Out of this, 11,428 cases are related to cheque dishonor, 8,884 are civil cases, 3,569 motor vehicle accident claim cases, 3,107 are execution cases, 1,817 are partition suits and 885 are domestic violence related cases.

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