QR Code Based Garbage Collection Begins At Mangalore Smart City
QR Code Based Garbage Collection Begins At Mangalore Smart City
October 9: The Mangalore Smart City Limited (MSCL) begins implementing QR code-based Solid Waste Management System which covers all the 60 wards of Mangalore, in a phased manner. This system will increase the efficiency of solid waste management in Mangalore.
This will be carried out in phased manner. The first phase of SWMS will cover 88,000 houses – so far 5,000 houses have been installed with the QR codes. Commissioning of QR codes for all the houses is expected to be completed by the end of November.
QR code-based Solid Waste Management System will help the Mangalore City Corporation track the movement of the garbage vehicles, monitor the status of the garbage collection, provide provisions for the public to record complaints about garbage collection.
Under this system, QR codes will be displayed at the gates of each houses, the door-to-door primary garbage vehicles will scan the QR codes displayed at the gates of the houses, while collecting the garbage. The vehicles will then transfer the garbage to the secondary garbage vehicles and from there the garbage will be sent to the dumping yard. The QR code installed at houses can also be extended for other public services such as payment of electricity bills, property tax, and phone bills, among others.