Rashtrakavi Govind Pai Circle Inaugurated: People Rush to Click Selfie at This Beautiful Circle

Rashtrakavi Govind Pai Circle Inaugurated: People Rush to Click Selfie at This Beautiful Circle

Manjeshwar Govinda Pai, popularly known as Rastrakavi Govinda Pai was the one who put Manjeshwar on the literary maps of India. Govinda Pai has created several works which has been nationally recognized. As a tribute, The Manjeshwar Govind Pai circle in Mangalore has been incorporated with a new look recently. The circle has a bronze statue of the great poet at the centre in a sitting posture, holding the Navbharata newspaper in his hand. Rastrakavi Manjeshwar Govind Pai Circle is Sponsored by Puzzolana Group Hyderabad and Maintained by Sevanjali Charitable Trust. The Trust has played a significant role in the reconstruction of the circle, as per the instructions given by the Trust chairman, MLA Vedavyas Kamath.

Situated near the Ocean Pearl Hotel, where guests from all over the country and also abroad make their stay in Mangalore, this circle will surely be an attraction for enhancing the beauty of the city. An ancient well which was found inside the circle has been saved and the plan is to make the water more like a fountain and make it more attractive. Flowers and lush green grasses will be grown inside the circle.

Several people who had come for the inauguration and also few passerby were seen clicking selfies at the newly inaugurated Circle which has got a grand look.


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