Stray cows and bulls are falling sick within city limits: This may be the reason
Stray cows and bulls are falling sick within city limits: This may be the reason
June 28: Tauseef Ahmed, who is actively involved in rescuing animals in Mangalore for more than a decade mentioned that Stray cows and bulls are falling sick within city limits. Feeding spoilt food and rice by local residents may be the reason, he added. he stated that if any food is not right for human consumption, it is bad for animals too.
Tauseef said that even though one bowl of rice is not bad for a cow, it can make cattle sick and immobile when everyone feeds the same. he even mentioned if anyone wants to feed the cattle then Fruits and vegetables, Cauliflower and leafy vegetables like cabbage are good for cattle.. ‘Hindi’ powder– cattle fodder mixed with water– is the best diet for cattle, he said.
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