These Guidelines Have to be Followed Before Conducting Offline Classes for Students of 1-5 : DC Rajendra

These Guidelines Have to be Followed Before Conducting Offline Classes for Students of 1-5 : DC Rajendra

The education department has permitted the primary schools to conduct offline classes for students of 1-5 from October 25. The district administrations of Dakshina Kannada district has issued guidelines to the institutions regarding the same. Accordingly, a consent letter from parents is a must for schoolchildren to attend classes. Screening for Covid-19 symptoms should be done at the entrance of the schools. Classes should be conducted using only 50% of the seating capacity in classrooms. Social distancing, wearing masks and use of sanitisers are mandatory. Classrooms should be cleaned using sodium hypochlorite 1% solution everyday. Teachers and staff, who have received both doses of vaccine against Covid-19, are allowed to enter classrooms, whereas Teachers aged 50 and above should use face-shields while teaching.

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