Two Day Grape & Wine Festival With Other Activities is Being Held on December 7 & 8 in Mangalore: Check Out

Two Day Grape & Wine Festival With Other Activities is Being Held on December 7 & 8 in Mangalore: Check Out

The Karnataka Grape and Wine Board and the department of horticulture, in association with Ratna’s Wine Gate and Shoolin Group Mangalore has organised a grape juice exhibition, sale, and grand wine fair at Kadri Park on December 7 & 8 Saturday and Sunday, respectively.

It will provide information not only on the production, storage, and tasting methods of grape juice, but also on its benefits as a healthy beverage. The wine fair is celebrated with the slogan ‘Exhibition-Tasting-Sale’, offering attractive prices and excellent deals through grape juice production companies. The two-day grape juice exhibition, sale, and wine fair will introduce domestic and international wine brands, provide information on the health benefits of wine, its production methods, and usage.

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