You Will Not Be Able To Travel On This Road In Carstreet For 40 Days: Here Is The Reason

You Will Not Be Able To Travel On This Road In Carstreet For 40 Days: Here Is The Reason

October 1: The Smart City works is being undertaken from Lord Venkataramana temple junction to Balaji Junction at Car Street in Mangalore.  Temporary diversion of vehicular traffic has been brought into effect for a period of 40 days i.e. from October 1 to November 29 in order to facilitate the work.
Police commissioner Vikas Kumar Vikash asked people to take note of the traffic diversions as detailed below.

  • Buses plying on State Bank-Car Street-Kudroli-Mannagudda route will have to take alternative route via clock tower, Hampankatta, K S Rao Road, Navbharat Circle, Dongerkery Road, New Chitra Junction and move towards Mannagudda.
  • Heavy, light and other goods vehicles coming from Bunder have to move from Bunder Junction, Azizuddin Road, Lower Car Street, Balaji Junction, New Chitra Junction and Mannagudda.
  • Vehicles moving towards Bunder via Lower Car Street from Ladyhill direction should take left turn at Durgamahal Junction and move via Ballalbagh Junction, Bunts Hostel, Hampankatta and A B Shetty circle.
  • Ban on movement of heavy goods vehicle coming towards Navbharat Circle from New Chitra Junction.
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