This is why Air India Express passengers had to wait for hours in Dubai

This is why Air India Express passengers had to wait for hours in Dubai

March 28: The  Air India Express flight from Dubai to Mangalore, which was supposed to arrive here last night, was delayed and the passengers in the flight had to wait for several hours at Dubai Airport. The reason behind the delay is said to be technical.
The flight had leave from Dubai at 11.40 pm on Wednesday. Even though the passengers boarded the plane, the flight did not take off on time as some technical issue was encountered at the last minute.
It is gathered that the passengers were not informed as to why there was a delay in its departure. No alternative arrangements for their stay was made & they to wait inside the aircraft which created problems particularly for women and children.
It is said that the flight took off at around 5.30 am on Thursday after rectifying the technical issue.

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