This is why residents of Bijala Colony have decided to boycott the Lok Sabha elections

This is why residents of Bijala Colony have decided to boycott the Lok Sabha elections

April 2: The residents of Bijala Colony in Olamogru Gram Panchayat have decided to boycott the Lok Sabha elections. The Colony has over 40 SC families residing. The residents complained that the village is facing acute water shortage since past two months but the authorities had failed to resolve the crisis.
The residents depend on the water supplied by the gram panchayat. Since the borewell which was used to supply water has gone dry and hence the water supply has been stopped to the colony.
The issue has been brought to the notice of the Gram Panchayat and an appeal had been made to the authorities to make alternative arrangement to supply water. So far the Panchayat has not made any effort to supply water to the residents.
The residents came to the streets holding empty pots to stage a protest against water crisis and said that the Panchayat officials have not visited the place to check the issue.

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