Water Logging on Railway Track Near Bhatkal: Services of Several Trains Affected

Water Logging on Railway Track Near Bhatkal: Services of Several Trains Affected

Some trains running on the Konkan Railway network were either short terminated, cancelled or regulated following water logging on the track between Bhatkal and Murdeshwar at Km. 606/5-6 and 608/7-8 on August 2.

Services of the following trains were affected:

  • Train No. 06602 Mangalore Central-Madgaon Special that commenced journey on August 2 was short terminated at Udupi. Its pairing service, Train No. 06601 Madgaon-Mangalore Central would be fully cancelled.
  • Train No. 11098 Ernakulam-Pune Express journey commencing on August 1 was regulated at Bhatkal while Train No. 16595 Bengaluru-Karwar Express that commenced journey on August 1 was regulated at Shiroor.
  • Train No. 16334 Thiruvananthapuram-Veraval Express of August 1 (Senapura), Train No. 12201 Mumbai Lokamanya Tilak Terminus-Kochuveli Express of August 1 (Ankola) and Train No. 16516 Karwar-Yeshwantpur Express of August 2 (Honnavar) were regulated en-route.
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