Wearing Mask Made Mandatory in Theatres, Malls & Public Places in Udupi District

Wearing Mask Made Mandatory in Theatres, Malls & Public Places in Udupi District

Udupi district Deputy commissioner Kurma Rao M said that the public should take necessary care to prevent Covid and should take booster doses without fail. He said wearing of masks in theatres, malls, hotels and other indoor activity places has been made mandatory. Officials are strictly instructed to follow up with the foreign returned passengers.

The DC informed that covid cases have been increasing in neighbouring countries and are expected to rise in our country too. Already, the government has issued SoP’s which should be followed by all. Foreign returnees, symptomatic patients and contacts of Covid positive patients should undergo Covid test and if found positive, samples should be sent for genome sequencing. He also instructed the officials to keep the hospital and medical colleges prepared with isolation beds.

Helpline number 9663950222 and 9663957222 are activated in the district for Covid related issues.

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