RRR Centres Set up Across Mangalore City Receive Great Response: MCC Plans to Make it Permanent

RRR Centres Set up Across Mangalore City Receive Great Response: MCC Plans to Make it Permanent

Reuse and Recycle (RRR) Centres in Mangalore, an initiative taken by the Mangalore City Corporation (MCC) in accordance with the ‘Meri Life, Mera Swachh Shehar’ (My Life and My Clean City) campaign launched by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), have received great response. The main aim of this campaign is to transform wastes into wealth and encourage citizens and students to establish RRR centres. These centres in Mangalore have received an overwhelming response this year with approximately 4 tonnes of materials collected at these centres.

Over 500 residents of the city have actively contributed to the cause by donating clothes, newspapers, plastic carry bags, old books and electronic goods across the 10 RRR centres in Mangalore. Due to its exceptional response and turnout, the MCC plans to establish permanent RRR centres across the city in the coming days.

The clothes collected will be sent to ashrams and care homes through NGOs, while the toys, plastic items, notebooks and newspapers will be sent to recycling centres. The usable toys will be donated to local anganwadi and child care units, while the textbooks, novels and magazines that have been collected will be sent to libraries. Electronic items will be sent to e-waste recycling centres.

Institutions including Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore, and St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangalore have come together and collaborated with the MCC to collect the materials.

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