Five-km Marathon Held in Udupi to Create Awareness on AIDS Prevention

Five-km Marathon Held in Udupi to Create Awareness on AIDS Prevention

The Udupi district administration and District Aids Prevention and Control Unit had organised a 5-km marathon in Udupi on Sunday to create awareness among students on HIV and prevention of AIDS. As many as, 348 students participated in the marathon.

The marathon aimed at imparting knowledge on the aspects like national toll-free number 1097, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Prevention and Control) Act, 2017 and sexually transmitted infection (STI) among others. The marathon was also part of ‘Yuvajanothsava 2023-24’. College students in the age group of 17 to 25 participated and the winner in this marathon will participate in a State-level competition later.

In the men’s category, Prayaga C. Shetty of MGM College, Prajwal Goni and Nagaraj Suresh Aravatha, both from Board College, bagged the first, second and third places, respectively. In the women’s category, Nandini N.S. of MGM College, Prathiksha of NSAM College, Nitte, and Chandrika of G Shankar Government First Grade College, Udupi bagged the first, second, and third places, respectively.

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