MCC to Continue The Drive of Disconnecting Unauthorised Water Lines in Mangalore

MCC to Continue The Drive of Disconnecting Unauthorised Water Lines in Mangalore

Mayor Sudheer Shetty Kannur said the Mangalore City Corporation will continue the disconnection drive against unauthorised water lines tapping the main supply line from Thumbe vented dam across Netravathi to the city.

The illegal tapping was causing shortfall in water supply to the city thereby affecting supply in some areas in the last few days. Four teams were formed to check the two supply lines and remove illegal connections. The rains in December have led to a good inflow of water to Thumbe dam with sufficient storage. We need to address this small issue of illegal tapping to sustain water supply to all areas of the city till May.

MCC Commissioner C.L. Anand said MCC has installed a bulk meter at the Ramalkatte water treatment plant near the Thumbe Vented dam from where water is pumped to the city. Metres will be installed at Bendoor and other water receiving stations. In a week, MCC will have clear data about the flow of water. Places experiencing a shortfall in supply will be identified and necessary corrective action will be taken.
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