City buses break rules: Complaints filed

City buses break rules: Complaints filed

May 11: Mangalore city Commissioner of Police Sandeep Patil had organised a phone-in-programme at his office on Friday.  While communicating with the citizens, Commissioner Patil received several complaints against the Managlore city buses.
A resident of Kadri complained that the bus drivers speak over the phone while driving. A person from Kottara Chowki complained about private buses that stop in the middle of the road either to board or alight passengers from the bus. A lady from Mulki pointed out that the ‘U-turn’ at Karnad bypass was unscientific and was causing many road accidents. A resident of Maroli said many buses (with route number 30 B) had cut the trips to Maroli. Person from Kumpala complained that 44 route number buses had cut down trips from State Bank Circle to Kumpala.
After responding to the complaints, Commissioner Patil said that  cases will be filed against those who are found guilty of violating guidelines.

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