Udupi all set to tackle diseases in monsoon: These measures have been taken

Udupi all set to tackle diseases in monsoon: These measures have been taken

July 2:  The District Health Office has initiated necessary measures to tackle all water-borne and vector-borne diseases, including malaria, dengue, chikungunya and filariasis, during the current monsoon.
An ‘info-ambulance’ van will create awareness among people about water-borne diseases like malaria.
Certain measures have been taken throughout the year to contain the vector-borne diseases. A dedicated team, Asha and health workers strive towards prevention of the diseases. Periodic screening and testing of the migrant labourers and spraying chemicals at construction sites with stagnant water will prevent the spread of malaria. In addition, once every five months, inspection is done in every house. The people are educated regarding the diseases and the simple preventive measures and personal protection to be taken against mosquito bites. The public is also advised to keep their property and surroundings clean and get rid of stagnant water. The open wells all over the district are identified and guppy fish are added into the water in the wells. Mosquito nets sprayed with long-lasting insecticide are provided to areas with high mosquito penetration. Hospitals are also provided with mosquito nets.

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