Pubs should now close on time at night or face the consequences- Commissioner Patil

Pubs should now close on time at night or face the consequences- Commissioner Patil

Mangalore City Police Commissioner Sandeep Patil has asked the owners of the pubs in city to close the pubs on time or face the consequences.

This Order by the Mangalore City Police is issued after receiving complaints from the general public that these pubs which are situated in the heart of the city or residential areas were kept open beyond the permitted time & played loud music. They said that the visitors to these pubs were indulged in unruly behavior like honking loudly, drunken driving.  These complaints were received during the weekly phone-in programme.

Taking a serious note on this the city police recently had a meeting with the pub owners and have asked them to report the use of drugs in their pubs and take care of women safety at their premises.

Commissioner Patil stated that ” Anyone not adhering to the rules will be dealt with irons hands”.

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