Abandoned black bag at Mangalore International Airport: People Panic
Abandoned black bag at Mangalore International Airport: People Panic
April 25: A black bag was found abandoned near the car parking area in between the barricades at the exit road of Mangalore International Airport at around 12.25 pm on Wednesday. This created a panicky situation, especially in the wake of the Srilanka serial blasts.
When the black bag remained unattended for nearly 45 minutes, the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF ) staff which is in charge of the security of the airport ensured that people did not go close to the bag. Bomb disposal squad as well as sniffer dogs arrived and after the verification, the staff found that no suspicious items were inside the bag after which the security staff took the bag inside.
There is no information regarding the owners of this bag. It is still not known if someone dropped the bag when taking away their luggage home, or forgot to pick the bag in a hurry to catch their flight.