The Dakshina Kannada district has experienced widespread rain in the past 24 hours. Devotees heading to Kukke Subrahmanya temple have been cautioned against approaching the ‘snanaghatta’ (bathing ghat) due to the River Kumaradhara being in spate. The continuous heavy rainfall has led to the submersion of the luggage room and washroom at the bathing ghat as well as parts of the Subrahmanya-Manjeshwara Road.
To ensure safety, the Kadaba tahsildar has directed the police to deploy staff to prevent devotees from going near the river. Also to handle the emergency situation, the police, home guards, and a team of SDRF have been deployed in Subrahmanya.
The water levels of the Nethravati River are also being closely monitored. The water level at Bantwal stood at 8 meters against the danger level of nine meters, while in Uppinangady, the water level of the Nethravati reached 29.4 meters (above mean sea level) against the danger level of 31.5 meters.
As per the latest weather forecast, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued an orange alert for Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts until 8.30 am on Monday.
Are You Planning to Visit Kukke Subrahmanya Temple Soon? This is What You Need to Know
Are You Planning to Visit Kukke Subrahmanya Temple Soon? This is What You Need to Know
The water levels of the Nethravati River are also being closely monitored. The water level at Bantwal stood at 8 meters against the danger level of nine meters, while in Uppinangady, the water level of the Nethravati reached 29.4 meters (above mean sea level) against the danger level of 31.5 meters.
As per the latest weather forecast, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued an orange alert for Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts until 8.30 am on Monday.
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