Borewell recharge: New way to tackle water crisis
Borewell recharge: New way to tackle water crisis
May 4: Kiran Shetty a research scientist in Boston, USA having a land in Pavoor decided to go for recharging borewells through rainwater harvesting (RWH) technique After three borewells on a two-and-a-half acres farmland went defunct. This will be done under the guidance of N J Devaraja Reddy, a hydrogeologist and RWH consultant.
Shetty said that water in the first borewell lasted only for four years and as the water level had declined, they had sunk another borewell. Reddy said that a defunct borewell can be recharged by digging a pit and installing scientifically designed filtration pipes and allowing the collected rainwater to pass through the pipes to allow the borewell to recharge. Shetty has so far successfully recharged 120 borewells in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts. He even said the district administration should give priority for recharging the borewells. The present problem of drinking water shortage could be tackled if if every drop of the rainwater is conserved for recharging the borewells, he added.