Case against Maurishka Park Apartment Owners Association: Click to know why!

Case against Maurishka Park Apartment Owners Association: Click to know why!

March 27: On the directions of the JMFC II Court, Kadri police have filed a case against Maurishka Park Apartment owners association President K Dayanand Rai, secretary Devadas S Hegde and joint secretary Aparna P for disconnecting power supply to Shantaram and Veena Shantaram’s apartment.
Association president Dayanand Rai had disconnected power supply to the apartment of Shantaram for not paying the maintenance fee for six months  in advance on October 6, 2018. Kadri police initially refused to register a case, declaring that the case was `civil’ in nature. When Shantaram couple had approached the court seeking restoration of electricity, case was registered under Sections 424, 420, 425, 430, 336, 499, 504, 506, 468, 477a, abetting the commission of offence among others.

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