Century Old St Agnes – The First Women’s College in Mangalore is All Set to Turn Into a Co-ed

Century Old St Agnes – The First Women’s College in Mangalore is All Set to Turn Into a Co-ed

The century-old St. Agnes College, which is the first women’s college in Mangalore will introduce co-education from the academic year 2022-23, according to principal M. Venissa and joint secretary of St. Agnes Institutions M. Lydia. The college so far offered education only to girls but it will also admit boys with girls from the coming academic year. Initially, the college will admit 20% to 30% boys. Their ratio will be increased later in the coming years. The college has 4,000 available seats. The autonomous college has recently received approval from the government to become co-ed. The admission for male students will start with first year UG programme.

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