Change in Order of Procession Makes A Difference: Thousands of Devotees Witness Mangalore Dasara

Change in Order of Procession Makes A Difference: Thousands of Devotees Witness Mangalore Dasara

October 9: Mangalore Dasara celebrations at Kudroli Sri Gokarnanatha Temple this came to an end, with the idol immersion ritual ‘Jalasthambhana’, at the temple pond in the early hours of Wednesday, October 9.
The ‘Shobhayatre’ for idol immersion, started from the temple premises on Tuesday evening, passed through Lady Hill Circle, Lalbagh, Kodialbail, Hampankatta, Car Street and back to Kudroli Temple, followed by the immersion of idols.
As per the changes made in procession by the temple committee this year, trucks carrying the idols of Ganesha, Adishakti, idols of Navadurga – the nine forms of Goddess Durga – and Goddess Sharada, led the procession.  The tableaux followed the idols unlike the previous years, the cultural procession was in the lead and many tableaux would join on the way, resulting in delay in the procession. Due to this chance, several people could get a glimpse odd the Navadurga and Sharada Idols.
The devotees offered their prayer when the tableaux carrying the idols stopped. Hundreds of stalls, selling eatables, toys and fancy items, were put up by the vendors on roadsides.

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