Cloth diaper gets good response from young parents

Cloth diaper gets good response from young parents

April 29: An awareness campaign organised by I’m I’n for sustainable and natural life on sustainable living and natural parenting received good response from enthusiastic mothers at Forum Fiza Mall on Saturday. This campaign is a collaborative effort with`Superbottoms ‘The Great Cloth Diaper Change (GCDC)’. The event was organised in 13 parallel venues across the country.
The organisers  along with promoting the usage of cloth diapers to children instead of disposables, also attempted to create awareness on breastfeeding benefits, trial of ergonomic and safety tested baby carriers, alternate sustainable options during menstruation (cloth sanitary pads and menstrual cups).
The plastic and chemical content in disposable diapers and sanitary pads individually take 100 years to biodegrade into nature are very harmful and toxic to the environment. The objective behind the programme was how humans could do their bit by resorting to healthy and environmental friendly alternatives.
Subject experts and medical professionals including  Dr Shreedhar Avabratha, a well-known Paediatrician, senior gynaecologist Dr Suchitra Tunga, Lactation Consultant Maina Shet and sustainability enthusiast Prameela Rao interacted with the gathering. The coordinators of the event including Medha Acharya, Raksha Bhat and Amrutha Nayak were present.

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