Domestic Cargo at Mangalore Airport Becomes Fully Operational: Handles 5 Tonnes of Cargo Per Day

Domestic Cargo at Mangalore Airport Becomes Fully Operational: Handles 5 Tonnes of Cargo Per Day

The domestic cargo operations at Mangalore International Airport which became fully operational a month ago is handling nearly five tonnes of cargo per day. K A Sreenivasan, the senior manager for cargo at MIA, said domestic cargo handling was halted for a few months. It resumed in February after clearance from the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS). In total, last month the domestic cargo division handled 168 MT. It is expected to grow in the coming days, especially print-related cargo.

As much as 97% of the cargo handled at MIA comes from a printing press in Manipal. The rest includes gold, ornamental fish, medical samples for advanced tests and other goods. The major chunk of domestic cargo arrives from Manipal and it includes Aadhaar Cards, bank books, cheque books and related documents, which are flown across the country. The rest are ornamental fish from Mangalore sent to Kolkata.

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