Domestic Travel at Mangalore International Airport to Become Costlier as The User Development Fee Hikes

Domestic Travel at Mangalore International Airport to Become Costlier as The User Development Fee Hikes

Domestic travel will become costlier after the user Development Fee at Mangalore International Airport (MIA) will go up to ₹350 for domestic embarking passengers from the present ₹150 from February 1 effective till March 31. The Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India (AERAI) has permitted the airport’s plea for fee revision. The UDF for international embarking passengers however, was brought down from the current ₹850 to ₹770 for the period up to March 31, 2023, by AERAI. Disembarking domestic passengers have to pay ₹150 and international passengers ₹330 UDF during this period.

For the next financial year, 2023-24, domestic passengers would pay ₹560 embarking and ₹240 disembarking UDF while international passengers have to pay ₹1,015 and ₹435 UDF respectively. For 2024-25, the UDF would be ₹700 and ₹300 respectively for domestic passengers and ₹1,050 and ₹450 respectively for embarking and disembarking International passengers. The UDF would go up to ₹735 and ₹315 respectively for embarking and disembarking domestic passengers in 2025-26 and to ₹1,120 and ₹480 for respectively for embarking and disembarking International passengers.

Stating that airports need funds to develop to enhance holistic passenger experience, MIA said it had moved the AERA seeking revision in aeronautical tariff for a control period of five years from April 2021 to March 2026. MIA is making concerted efforts to connect the city to the rest of India by promoting new routes and new destinations in partnership with stakeholders. With the modernisation of the airport under way, the proposed development projects, including re-carpeting of the runway and construction of the new integrated cargo terminal would cost around ₹800 crore.

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