Failure of pre-monsoon rain adds to water crisis: Minister U T Khader

Failure of pre-monsoon rain adds to water crisis: Minister U T Khader

May 20: District In-charge Minister U T Khader said that the failure of pre-monsoon shower has aggravated the water crisis in the district. He said that due to the current water rationing system water from Thumbe vented dam will be sufficient till June 6. The rationing in the month of April has helped the Mangalore City Corporation (MCC) manage water crisis to some extent.
The Mangalore City Corporation (MCC) is using 20 tankers for areas facing shortage and will use five more tankers for supply. It has cleaned and repaired 14 open wells. The authorities have let 15 borewells be sunk. Six borewells that are sunk had about four inches of water.
Khader said that the government is monitoring the water crisis. After the meeting, more funds will be sought to tackle the crisis. On mitigating the crisis, a series of check dams will be built under the Paschima Vahini project at about Rs 200 crore. All the work on check dams are in tender stage. Once the bridge cum barrage between Harekala – Adyara is completed, the storage capacity will improve.

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