Faults in the water distribution system should be set right: J R Lobo

Faults in the water distribution system should be set right: J R Lobo

April 23: While addressing a press conference at the District Congress Committee on Monday, April 22, Former MLA J R Lobo said that there is no scarcity of water in Mangalore but faults in the water distribution system should be set right.
Lobo said that the present water rationing system that has been resorted to by the Mangalore City Corporation supplies water for 96 hours before discontinuing it for the next 48 hours. He said that this system should be stopped. He also said that MCC should not depend only on Thumbe dam for its water requirement, instead, the old and defunct borewells should be repaired and the available borewells in the jurisdiction of the Corporation should be mapped and the distribution lines should be connected to these borewells that supply water to the residents.

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