Femme Fete- A Runaway Success On The Occasion Of World Women’s Day

Femme Fete- A Runaway Success On The Occasion Of World Women’s Day

March 9: Femme Fete- a runaway success!
Creditable on World Women’s day!
Nothing could have been more heartening to witness the success of the Femme Fete on the momentous occasion of the World Women’s Day. Over 100 stalls and 5000 footfalls were experienced from the beginning of the fete at 3 pm and ending at 10 pm on Saturday (7 March). The joint organisers of the Femme Fete -Women at Work and the ETC branding firm along with the venue sponsorer Northernsky Properties has made it a runaway success.
This extraordinary event was held in the backdrop of one of the finest real estate ventures in Mangalore at the central atrium of ‘Northernsky City’ in Pumpwell which added a distinct decorum to the event. The theme of the Femme Fest was effectively delivered on a three-layered structure, Education, Entertainment and Shopping, which became the right blend of fun and serious business. To make it more lively the J&B Vibes music band belted out foot-tapping and knee-slapping numbers from various genres. The enterprising women saw to it that it was truly an event “of women, by women and for women”. However a number of men who accompanied their families appreciated the idea of Femme Fest.
The Femme Fest had brought hundreds of products on a bouquet of consumer, services and educational products that won the hearts of the visitors. The products ranged from food, fabrics, bakery items, handmade articles, bags, artificial jewellery, items from women managed small scale industries and many other products in lifestyle, hobbies and even gardening and kitchen management. Shopping here was truly a will be a delight.
The elaborate food counters was another highlight of the Fete. Being a Saturday the weekend the visitors did enjoy the food from the counters.
The organisers – Women at Work, ETC and the Northernsky properties had added a unique hue to the Fete by honouring three achiever women on the occasion ahead of the world Women’s day. They were Mrs Tabasum of Sneha Deep aids charity home. Tabasum takes care of the children who are in need of nutrition, education and safety. She also takes care of the children isolated from the parents due to many reasons. Rajani Shetty is that rare woman who shelters 40 stray and abandoned dogs and all of them were females! And all of them are in good health and wonderful spirits. Corrine Rasquinha runs a psychiatric nursing home for Destitute having rehabilitated over 600 destitute from the streets of Mangalore city and given them lives of dignity. To sum up the ‘Femme Fete’ has set a bench mark for all the future women’s events in the city for sure.

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