First Time Ever Vote-From-Home Introduced For 85 & Above & For People With 40% Disability

First Time Ever Vote-From-Home Introduced For 85 & Above & For People With 40% Disability

For the first time, the Election Commission has announced ’vote-from-home’ facilities for citizens above 85 years and persons with disabilities for the Lok Sabha elections, scheduled to be held from April 19 in seven phases, and the assembly elections in four states.

* Voters above 85 years of age and persons with disabilities with a 40 per cent benchmark disability can vote from home.
* Volunteers and wheelchairs will be deployed at polling stations.
* Transport facilities for persons with disabilities and the elderly will be arranged.
* Saksham app to avail special facilities at polling stations.
* Push for permanent Assured Minimum Facilities in schools, gift of election process to students.

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