Free Bus Travel In The State: Demand For KSRTC Buses is Increasing in Mangalore & Udupi

Free Bus Travel In The State: Demand For KSRTC Buses is Increasing in Mangalore & Udupi

Demand for government buses is increasing in the areas of Udupi and Mangalore in the wake of the Shakti free bus travel scheme introduced by the state government. The government bus service was stalled during Covid due to loss in revenue which were not restored even after the pandemic was over.

In Mangalore, the government buses ply from Mangaluru to Mudipu, Adyar, Bajpe, Mallur, Mukka, Gurpur, Kaikamba, Ganeshpura, Someshwara, Vamanjoor, Kunjathbail, Chelaru, MRPL colony, Rehmath Nagara, Ammebala Darga, Keenya. The government buses ply from Udupi to Manipal, Hoode, Kallianpur, Marne, Malpe, Kelasunka, Kokkarne, Perdoor, Nellikatte, Manchakal, Kemmannu-Hampanakatte, Honnala and Padukare.


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