Here is a Good News: Supreme Court Allows to Conduct The Traditional Sport Kambala

Here is a Good News: Supreme Court Allows to Conduct The Traditional Sport Kambala

The District Kambala Samiti has welcomed the judgment of the Supreme Court, to uphold the amendments made to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act to allow the conduct of the traditional sport. A five-member bench of the Supreme Court has upheld the amendments made by the legislatures of Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, and Karnataka, to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act, 1960, allowing jallikattu, bullock-cart race and kambala, on Thursday.

District Kambala Samiti president Rohith Hegde Yermal, has expressed gratitude towards the state and central governments for extending support. He said that kambala is not just a sporting event, but a part of daivaradhane.

Mangalore Kambala Samiti president Capt Brijesh Chowta said that the Supreme Court judgment has cleared all apprehensions related to kambala, which is part of the culture in coastal Karnataka. Justice is being delivered to the people of Tulunadu, who have been fighting for kambala. The decision of the Supreme Court will help kambala organisers to make events more meaningful,” he said.

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