Highest Active Covid 19 Cases In DK Linked To First-Neuro Hospital: Click For Details

Highest Active Covid 19 Cases In DK Linked To First-Neuro Hospital: Click For Details

May 7: It has been found that 11 cases out of the 12 active cases in the district are directly or indirectly linked to the first-Neuro hospital located at Padil.
A 50-year-old woman from Bantwal who tested Covid positive and passed away on April 19 had visited the hospital where her mother-in-law, aged 75 was admitted. The mother inlaw was also tested positive and later passed away on April 23 at Wenlock Hospital where she had subsequently been shifted. Three other primary contacts of Patient 432, a sweeper (patient 501) working at the Padil hospital and a mother-son duo from Kulashekara tested Covid positive on April 26 and 27 respectively. The 80-year-old lady (Patient 507) who was undergoing treatment at First Neuro was lodged in the room adjacent to patient 432 while her 45-year-old son (patient 506) used to visit her at the hospital. The recent case of a five-member family from Boloor who tested positive too is linked with the hospital. It is gathered that a 58-year-old(Patient 536) who was discharged from the hospital recently tested positive and four other member of her family too are infected. This includes fer husband (P-579), aged 62 and her daughter’s husband (P-658) who tested positive few days back. Two other members of the family 38-year-old daughter and 11-year-old granddaughter of P-536 too tested positive om May 6. On May 6, a 16-year-old girl from Bantwal, daughter of patient 390 and grand daughter of patient 432 too tested covid positive and is being treated at Wenlock Hospital.
A team of six experts has been formed to find the main source but so far no information on the same.

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