Inform about sex determination by scanning centre and get Rs 10000. DC Sasikanth Senthil

Inform about sex determination by scanning centre and get Rs 10000. DC Sasikanth Senthil

June 25: Deputy Commissioner Sasikanth Senthil said there are several complaints on female foeticide being carried out in the district. To check on this the DC has directed officials of the Health Department to announce a reward of Rs 10,000 to those who provide information about the scanning centres who misuse technology for foetal sex determination.
DC mentioned that the officials should visit scanning centres posing as commoners and check if scanning centres are guilty. He even urged the officials to gather accurate information on pregnant women from Anganwadi centres and inform them about the facilities under Mathruvandana yojana.
The DC has also directed the officials of the Women and Child Welfare Department to ensure that welfare programmes reach the poor.

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