Is medical negligence the reason for the death of a five year old?

Is medical negligence the reason for the death of a five year old?

April 11: Yadish, a five year old boy who was admitted to Chethana Hospital died on Tuesday, April 9. Yadish was the son of Harishchandra, a resident of Nelligudde near Kalladka in Bantwal taluk.
Yadish had fever on April 8 and was taken to Dr Sreekanth Rao. But when the fever did not subside, the physician advised them to admit Yadish to Chethana Hospital. The victim who was administered glucose, soon started throwing up.  Dr Sreekanth visited the hospital and declared him dead at 7.30 pm on April 9. Samples from the body have been sent to Bangalore for testing.
Parents of the victim alleged that the child died due to the negligence of physician and hospital staff and have demanded action against them. A case has been registered at Puttur city police station.

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