Man downs at a sea near Ullal: Body not yet found

Man downs at a sea near Ullal: Body not yet found

May 6: A 45 year old man drowned in the sea at Mogaveerapatna near Ullal on Sunday, May 5. The members of the local lifeguard swimmers association searched for his body, they could not locate the same. The deceased has been identified as Rizwan, a native of Shivajinagar in Bengaluru who was presently residing in Deralakatte since past four years. He was working in a company in Deralakatte that used to manufacture ladies footwear. On Sunday evening, Rizwan along with his friend Ayub had visited the Darga in Ullal. After offering the prayers in the Darga, both of them were playing at the beach  when Rizwan was suddenly pulled by some strong wave into the sea. His friend immediately screamed for help. The lifeguards and home guards present on the beach rushed immediately to the spot but could not save him.
Search is still on to locate the body of Rizwan. A case has been registered in Ullal police station.

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