Mangalore City Corporation to Decide on Site For Water Treatment Plant After Spot Visit

Mangalore City Corporation to Decide on Site For Water Treatment Plant After Spot Visit

Mangalore city Mayor Sudheer Shetty Kannur said that along with corporators, will visit the site proposed for the construction of a water treatment plant (WTP) on the banks of Nethravati River at Adyar soon. The WTP has been proposed at Adyar by the Mangalore City Corporation (MCC) to have additional water augmentation and water supply infrastructure.

At a special meeting of the MCC council held on Friday, corporators demanded that the work on the WTP of 125MLD capacity should not be entrusted to the Suez Projects Pvt Ltd., which is taking up the ADB-funded Jalasiri 24×7 drinking water scheme in Mangalore. Hence, the mayor said a decision will be taken after conducting a visit to the project site in Adyar.

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